Modafinil vs Ritalin

ModafinilModafinil RitalinRitalin
Modafinil decreases extreme sleepiness due to narcolepsy and other sleep disorders such as difficult/irregular breathing during sleep (e.g., obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome-OSAHS). It is also used to help you stay awake during work hours for people with work schedules that interfere with a normal sleep routine (shift work sleep disorder-SWSD). It is not known how modafinil works to increase wakefulness. It is thought to work by affecting certain chemicals in the brain that control the sleep/wake cycle. Modafinil does not make up for lack of sleep and should not be used to treat tiredness or hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. This medication is not recommended for use in children.Methylphenidate is used as part of a treatment program (including psychological, educational, and social measures) to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. Ritalin is also used to treat a certain sleep disorder (narcolepsy). Methylphenidate is a mild stimulant that is thought to work by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain.
Add Modafinil review
guest | 01.09.13
I began Modafinil four months ago. Since then, I have been confused, unable to focus, daily headaches, overwhelming exhaustion, yawning constantly, out of breath easily.. a complete wreck and unable to function in society. It didn't work for me, but it may work for someone else. Good luck.
pink | 27.05.13
I need to stop taking this med due to bad feeling of repeatedly yawning trying to get a deep breath over and over along with terrible headaches. This all happens after I take 200mg pill. Unsure of what this med is doing to my body or heart. In the past I took the name brand Provigil with no side effects but I was younger maybe healthier?who knows .....anyhow better to be safe even though I have no wakeful life at all.
Add Ritalin review
ritilan | 07.06.13
At first it was great it gave my the motivation to start and finish my projects. Where before I never had the desire to do anything. You will get a burst of happiness and you want to talk to people a very good feeling. But then there is a coming down time this is awful. I got very angry and confused I really don't think I could even walk right. I just don't think this is a good drug I think it is ...
bschlag | 23.05.13
I put my son on this med in the middle of the school year and he was behind and wanting to hold him back even at the middle of the year.. After he got on it he jumped a grade level and is doing great.. He say it helps his head feel better!! LOVE THIS
Disko | 13.04.13
Medication does work. Too easy to use and control own dosage. Saved then binged on special occasions.
Lynneliz | 28.02.13
Have been taking Ritalin 35 mg/day for 18 yrs. for ADHD. I am now 65 y/o with a thriving psychotherapy practice. It has helped me focus and stay calm -- wish I'd started it in my 20's.