Cipro vs Septra

CiproCipro SeptraSeptra
Cipro is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Ciprofloxacin belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.This medication is a combination of two antibiotics: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. It is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections (such as middle ear, urine, respiratory, and intestinal infections). It is also used to prevent and treat a certain type of pneumonia (pneumocystis-type). This medication should not be used in children less than 2 months of age due to the risk of serious side effects. This medication treats only certain types of infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.
Add Cipro review
elvis | 25.05.13
can you take vitamins with cipro
ba84 | 26.04.13
My doctor called this in for me after I had had UTI symptoms for 3 days. Thankfully the pharmacist warned me to be careful because it could weaken tendons so I limited my activity. The UTI symptoms went away after the first dose. After 8 days I developed a pain in my ankle and was told to wear an ace ankle wrap, elevate, use ice, & take ibuprofen, all of which helped, but I was still limping ...
diane | 12.04.13
my doctor prescribed this for me for a suspected bladder infection, I read all the information on this drug and decided NOT to try it, I have a lot of allergies and am very sensitive to a lot of med's. a lot of the side affects of this drug are not reversible, I feel like I dodged a bullet, so glad I read up on all drugs that I sometimes need.. I have not seen my doctor since he prescribed this, a ...
guest | 27.03.13
rash and welts all over my upper body and inside thighs. red spots up to 12" diameter and welts on both inner arms and on back...within 6 hrs of taking one 500mg. also hard on stomach...but slays the bacteria in the bladder. I'll never take it again.
guest | 03.03.13
After two days I have developed intense vaginal pain. Waves of recurring pain.
Add Septra review
djg007 | 16.11.11
I was told by my doctor to take Sulfamkthoxazole-TMP DS T 20 TAB The soft tissue infection under my arm subsided after the 10th day of use. I drank lots of water and always do. I felt listless, chills, fever, sweats and nausea. I would not recommend this drug for anyone. Find a different way. Also with any drug, (and I should know better) If you believe you are having an adverse reaction, stop the drug and revisit the guy in the red floppy shoes that prescribed it to you in the first place. Whoo haaaa.
clocker87 | 30.03.11
I was prescribed this drug for what I was told was a UTI (abdominal pain, fever, cramping, plus some other symptoms), though it turned out not to be a UTI at all, and whatever it was is still a mystery. I took the medicine twice daily for 3 days and experienced crippling headaches late on day two and all day on day three, despite drinking 40-60 ounces of water a day. I also had some chills, but I don't know for sure if they were related to the medication or not. Now that I'm done with the medication, I'm taking plenty of probiotics, but I'm still experiencing stomach cramps, severe nausea when hungry, and really miserable constipation. For me, this medication caused far more problems than it solved, and I wish I'd had the presence of mind in the doctor's office to say no to the prescription.
guest | 17.06.10
I had a severe reaction, causing short hosptalization. Had to get an IV to flush the septra out of my system. Had a bad infection of mastitis in my breast due to nursing, not a fun experience!